XLR Adaptor for UE COMM
Custom, swappable barrel adaptors will adapt you to the XLR pin type of your comms gear provided by production. We offer any configuration needed for your custom or standard needs: 4pinM, 5pinF, 6pin M/F, or any custom mini Din, etc.
*A 4pinF and 5pinM adaptor comes standard with the UE COMM.
**All XLR Adaptors are non-serviceable in the field – opening or tampering with the product in any way immediately voids any warranty for repair or replacement. 4pinF and 5pinM included with a UE COMM purchase (part of the adaptor kit). The UE Comm cable terminates to a TA5F, so one end of the adaptor is a TA5M.
The adaptor side opposite the TA5M to connect to the chosen sound source. Please contact us if you need something that isn’t shown here.